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The Pro-Me Mindset PLR Review

A Review On The Pro-Me Mindset PLR From JR Lang

A Review on the Pro-Me Mindset PLR by JR Lang

JR Lang has just released a new PLR Product called the The Pro-Me Mindset PLR and this is my review on the content and materials to help you to decide if this is worth your purchase.

Proof Of Purchase

I bought the Pro-Me Mindset PLR at the price of $24 and the current price is at $24.45. Price increases with every few sales so if my review on this Pro-Me Mindset PLR convinces you, you may want to click on my affiliate link below. Note that I may be paid a commission if you purchase through my link. Your support will help support this site as well as to get more funds to buy more PLR Products to review. So, thanks for your support!

>> Click Here To Check Out The Pro-Me Mindset PLR by JR Lang…

One-Time Offers

One-Time Offers after purchasing Pro-Me Mindset PLR

There are three One-Time-Offers that come with the purchase of the Pro-Me Mindset PLR and you will see them at the bottom section of the JVZoo Receipt / Access Your Purchase Page.

The offers are:

  • Alternative Medicine for Beginners PLR at $35
  • Emotional Health PLR at $27
  • Fruits of Spirit PLR at $27

The Download Area

Once you have logged in to your JVZoo Customer Area, you can click on “Access Your Purchase” Button and it will be redirected to the Download Page. You will see 6 Big Zip Files for you to download so this may take some time. You may need to access the Download Page from JVZoo again as the Download Page is time sensitive.

Review On The 6 Parts Of The Pro-Me Mindset PLR

Part 1

Download Size of Part 1 is around 160MB and it includes the following Folders – Affirmations, Affirmations-AUDIO, Affirm-GRAPHIC, Articles, CaseStudies-REPORT, Email Series, eMailSeries-SqueezePage, FAQ-REPORT, Mindmap, Pro-Me-ASSESSMENT, SalesGraphics, SalesMinisite, Tweets, Workbook, Folder-Navigation-MAP, Instructions-Edit Files, License, MARKETING TOOLS-FREE RESOURCES and lastly PLR-Training.

To give you a good overview on what is inside each Zip File for all the 6 Parts, you can check out Folder-Navigation-MAP.pdf first.

In the Affirmations Folder, you will receive 30 Affirmations in .PDF and .DOCX formats. Sample affirmations include:

  • I adapt to changes in life because it helps me become more resilient and supports me in living my best life.
  • I am actively seeking to be my best self.
  • My pro-me mindset ensures I always do what is best for me.
  • I take responsibility for my happiness; it is a key part of my pro-me mindset

In the Affirmations-AUDIO Folder, you will receive a 4:11 minutes Audio File in .WAV Format and an Audio Script File in .DOCX Format. The Audio File features a Lady’s Voice which narrates the Affirmations in a slow and natural tone and the Audio Script is basically a copy of the 30 Affirmations in a different style.

In the Affirm-GRAPHIC Folder, you will see Three Subfolders – Edit-Graphic, PDF & WebReadyInfogr. In the Edit-Graphic Subfolder is a .PPTX File with a single slide with all the 30 Affirmations nicely displayed. You will also get quite a nicely designed Pro Me Mindset Logo Image which you can easily adjust and appear to any other materials. In the PDF Subfolder, you will get a PDF File with similar layout as the PPTX Slide but with a more formal design. In the WebReadyInfogr, you will get the PDF File Layout in a .JPG Format.

In the Articles Folder, you will get 28 Articles that focus on the topic of Pro Me Mindset. This is a sample article – “The Pro-Me Mindset – Why Your Relationship Choices Matter” and it is quite a well-written piece of article that focuses on the Pro-Me Mindset and Relationship. There are other articles that focus on other aspects like Self-Integrity, Being Mindful, Developing Resilience, Self-Assurance and Goal Setting. IF you have knowledge in these fields, you can easily add your own content to the articles.

In the CaseStudies-REPORT Folder, you will get 10 Graphical eCover Images for the Report. You will have styles of the Main Cover like a Tablet Layouts, Ring Binded Layouts and Book Layouts. You can also edit the Main Cover from the editable PowerPoint Slide and the design is quite simple – Words and a few circles. In the Report, the content focuses on six People – Bernie, Jennifer, Darwin, Fern, Vincent and Cass and how they embrace Pro-Me (with examples) in their lives.

In the Email Series Folder, you will get a 7-Day Email Series in .DOCX Format and email subject titles include:

  • The Pro-Me Mindset: What Does It Mean to Be Pro-Me?
  • The Pro-Me Mindset: Pro-Me Is the Mindful Way to Be
  • The Pro-Me Mindset: The Value of Setting Good Boundaries
  • The Pro-Me Mindset: The Benefits of Being Pro-Me
  • The Pro-Me Mindset: How Being Pro-Me Benefits Other People, Too
  • The Pro-Me Mindset: Little Ways to Be More “Pro-Me”
  • The Pro-Me Mindset: Yearn for Personal Growth

Each email tends to be informational so you may want to personalize it a bit.

In the eMailSeries-SqueezePage Folder, you will get a simple Landing Page to encourage your visitors to sign up for the 7-Day Email Series. You get a PowerPoint File to edit the Main Image. You may want to read up on the Email Series to introduce a few more benefits in the Landing Page to boost your opt-in conversions.

In the FAQ-Report Folder, you will be getting eCover Images with layouts similar to those in the CaseStudies-REPORT Folder. The Report is called “10 Frequently Asked Questions – The Pro-Me Mindset” with questions like:

  • What does it mean to have a “pro-me” mindset?
  • Is being pro-me a selfish choice?
  • What are the benefits of having a pro-me mindset?

In the Mindmap Folder, you will get like 6 PowerPoint Files, PDFs and JPG Files with different colour schemes that list out 6 features of the Pro-Me Mindset. Examples are – 1) Ensuring Your Choices and Actions are Self-Supportive and 2) Owning Your Narrative Through Personal Agency.

In the Pro-Me Assessment Folder, you will get similar eCover Styles similar to the FAQ-Report and CaseStudies-REPORT Folders. The Report is called “Assessment – Do You Have A Pro-Me Mindset” and this Report has 25 Questions and sample questions include:

  • Taking care of myself is a top priority for me.
  • I could always stand to improve myself, learn more, and become a better person.
  • Self-care is an important part of my regular routine.
  • I make time to do the activities and hobbies I love most.

In the SalesGraphics Folder, you will get images to various graphical styles like Bonus Badges, Bonus Boxes, Bullets, Buttons, Buy Buttons, Checkout Buttons, Guarantee Seals, Numbers, Social Medias, Stickers, Text Graphics and Underlines.

In the SalesMinisite Folder, you will get quite a well-written Sales Page that promotes the 6 Lesson eCourse to the Pro-Me Mindset. You get the Sales Copy in .DOCX File and in HTML Format. You also get a Download Page and Editable Product Images in a PowerPoint File.

In the Tweets Folder, you get 40 Tweets in a .DOCX File with samples like:

  • Happiness is something you must build and develop on your own – don’t let other people take charge of if and when you experience happiness. #BeingProMe
  • Everybody deserves kindness and respect….that includes you! #BeingProMe
  • BeingProMe is a whole lifestyle. When you choose to have a pro-me mindset, you are committing to yourself.

In the Workbook Folder, you will get eCover Styles similar to Pro-Me Assessment, FAQ-Report and CaseStudies-REPORT Folders. You will get a Workbook called “Adopt and Develop the Pro-Me Mindset Workbook and Journal – 51 Prompts and Exercises”. Sample Prompts include:

  • What does a “pro-me” mindset mean to you?
  • What contributes to you feeling confident and empowered?
  • Are you comfortable in telling people how you want to be treated? Explore this in detail

Plenty of writing spaces and a good exercise to work through the content.

The remaining items in this Part 1 Folder are:

  • Folder Navigation MAP – a PDF File to showcase all the items in each Folder
  • Instructions-Edit Files – a PDF File on how to recognize the File Format Types and how to edit them
  • License – a Text File on the various rights you can do to the content and materials
  • Marketing Tools – Free Resources – a PDF File that contain resource links to various items like Graphics Tools, Duplicate Content Checker, Social Media Tools, Outsourcing and others.
  • PLR Training – a Text File with a link to InternetSlayers on how to use PLR

This brings an end to my review of the materials found in Part 1 Folder. If you find the review and content useful, you may want to get a copy of this Pro-Me Mindset PLR by JR Lang. If you want to check out what’s available with the other folders, continue to read on…

>> Click Here To Check Out The Pro-Me Mindset PLR by JR Lang

— Part 2

— Part 3

— Part 4

— Part 5

— Part 6

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